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End of Summer Bucket List

As summer dwindles down, I have quite a few ‘summery’ things I need to cross off my summer bucket list before the world becomes one big pumpkin spice latte. For one, I have yet to indulge in a good old-fashioned ice cream sundae and that’s just unacceptable.
As the days get shorter, I’m planning on taking time to appreciate the rest of my summer.
These are a few things I plan on knocking out in the next few weeks:

-       OBX beach trip with my family (weeee it’s this weekend!)

-       Visit a local brewery. I have yet to hit up a Roanoke one, which is quite sad.

-       Valhalla Winery trip. This is always a must, every season.

-       Finish the rest of my Tribe Tats – they’re way too cute to store in my closet.

-       Shop around at the Farmers Market – after all it’s only peach and corn season for so long.

-       Hike Dragon’s Tooth

-       Get a few more wakeboard runs in