Be Your Own Inspiration

The older I get, the more I realize that I am really my own motivator. I'm not saying the inspiration/motivation/weekly pep talks from your friends and family don't matter, but ultimately you make your own dreams come true.

No one else has control over your life, but yourself. It's as simple as that. The older I get, the more that really does start coming together. I will say I love getting praise - like most people, it's nice to get a pat on the back and a 'good job', but sometimes that's just not enough. I've realized that extra void we might have isn't because we need praise from others, but it's really to accept the fact that we have to be our own cheerleaders. No one else can push us forward like our own inner pep talks, our own 'you can do its' in front of the bathroom mirror or even the upbeat pop song that gets you ready to take on the day. The momentum behind our drive, our motivation, our ability to make it through that downhill day, that off-meeting or that 6am workout is you. Only you. You drive yourself more than anyone could possibly give you. 

Cheers to you. The one who holds the control over your own life - your own cheerleader, your own mentor, your own pusher. The motivation comes from within and it starts with you. Only you.